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Philippine American War Plaque Ceremonies

Unveiling of Plaque, February 4, 2002

The corrective bronze plaque was installed at a special ceremony at 3:30 pm on Monday, February 4, 2002, in the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda.

A crowd of 120 gathered in the State Capitol Rotunda

Minnesota Lt. Gov. Mae Schunk

Sen. Sandy Pappas, sponsor of the legislation that funded the plaque

Joe Ortiguera

Unveiling of the plaque by Ambassador Del Rosario and Lt. Governor Schunk

Ambassador Del Rosario, Lt. Governor Schunk, Adjutant General Andreotti, & Senator Pappas

Ambassador Del Rosario speaking to the celebration banquet

Ambassador Del Rosario meeting with Congresswoman Betty McCollum of St. Paul following the unveiling

Philippine Ambassador Albert F. Del Rosario

Minnesota Adjutant General Eugene R. Andreotti

Lita Malicsi, leader in the Filipino community

Maryam Beltran Shapland

Unveiling of the plaque by PSGM coordinator Meg Layese

The celebration banquet later that evening

Ambassador Del Rosario with Tito and Becky Sumangil. Tito is the one who first voiced concerns about the plaque to the Minnesota Historical Society in 1969.

Philippine Independence Day Ceremony, June 8, 2002

The Twin Cities Filipino community also held a ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda on June 8, 2002, as part of its annual Philippine Independence Day celebration. In the June event, important speeches were given by Dr. Michael Cullinane from the University of Wisconsin and Dr. Jorge Emmanuel, director of the Environmental & Engineering Research Group in San Francisco.

PDF Icon Presentation of Professor Michael Cullinane

PDF Icon Presentation of Dr. Jorge Emmanuel

Photos by Paul Bloom and Ken Meter, PSGM.

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